Become an Institutional Supporter - Annual Membership $500

Institutional supporter status is open to organizations that support the mission of Black Orchestral Network. Supporters should have, at a minimum:

  • Organizational statement regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

  • Diversity throughout their organizations, including at the trustee level

  • Required DEI training for employees

Please visit our FAQ page to learn how your organization can best support BON’s mission.

Supporter benefits include:

  • Advertisement of jobs and scholarship opportunities (up to 10 per year)

  • Promotion of events that center Black artists (up to 10 per year)

  • Being listed on BON’s supporter webpage

Institutional Membership

Register below for a BON institutional Membership:

Not registering as an Institution? Click here to access our Individual registration page.

‘an inclusive and equitable environment for Black people in the orchestral field’:

The mission of the Black Orchestral Network (BON) is to support Black orchestral musicians by Cultivating Community, Lifting Our Voices, and Telling Our Stories.

We see a world where Black orchestral musicians easily find reflections of themselves, and all their complexities, in the history and future of orchestral music.

To become an Institutional member, check box labeled: “I have read the mission statement and purposes of BON as found on the website and desire to become a member.” 

For any additional questions regarding individual and organizational membership, please email us at


Thank you for supporting the Black Orchestral Network (BON). We will process your donation through our fiscal sponsor, the Gateways Music Festival, Inc.

Please click the button below to go directly to the donation page.


We want to hear from you.

Contact us:

  • Membership in BON is open to both individuals and institutions. We welcome Black orchestral musicians, music enthusiasts, orchestras, educational institutions, and anyone passionate about advancing the cause of Black musicians in the classical music industry.

  • BON welcomes supporters and allies from all backgrounds. You can contribute by attending our events, volunteering your time, making a donation, or advocating for the inclusion of Black musicians in the classical music industry.

  • No, BON is an inclusive network that welcomes individuals and organizations of all backgrounds who share our commitment to advancing equity and inclusivity in classical music. Allies and supporters play a crucial role in our mission.

  • BON actively promotes inclusivity and equity by advocating for diverse representation in orchestras and music education. We work to eliminate barriers and provide opportunities for Black musicians to thrive in the industry.